Simply follow the below steps:
- Log in to
- Click on the ‘Join Now’ button, and the registered person will be transferred to the National Labor Portal ‘Taqat’.
- Create an account or log in to the portal.
- Apply by clicking on the ‘Wusool’ program from the ‘Our Programs’ list.
- If you are not eligible for the program, the reasons for disqualification will appear to you.
- If you are eligible, the ‘My Home and Work Location’ page will appear on the map to be shared with the service providers.
- Select the work and home locations on the map, agree to the terms and conditions, and then click on ‘Register in the program’
- Access will be activated automatically in the Careem app within 24 hours, and you will receive an instructive message on the same email and mobile number registered in Taqat without the need to send the activation link.